The middle gives an average amount of cushioning.The back consist of stiff rubber to create a steady push-off from the belt.These systems usually consist of 3 different parts the back, the middle and the front. Higher-end treadmills might have a variable cushioning system, which tends to provide even more support for your joints. As a result, you reduce the risk of getting injured during your workout. The cushioning will usually help to make you feel less fatigue and reduce the wear and tear on your knees, ankles, and hips. A good cushioning system reduces the impact on your body when your feet hit the belt. This magazine publishes the Fortune India 500 list every year.Most treadmills have a cushioning system. entered into a license agreement with ABP Group to publish Fortune India magazine. Also provides advertisement in the printed newspaper. The internet edition of the newspaper was launched in 2001, which publishes news among the community. The first colour printing was the features section. In 1922 it first published as a four-page evening daily. It was first printed on 13 March 1922 under their ownership and was against British rule. Later in 1922 the newspaper Anandabazar Patrika was relaunched by proprietor Suresh Chandra Majumdar and editor Prafulla Kumar Sarkar. In 1886, Ghosh published another newspaper, named after his grandmother Amritamoyee: Amrita Bazar Patrika. They named it Ananda Bazar after Tusharkanti's grandmother's sister Anandomayee. A Bengali newspaper was published in 1876 in a small village of Magura at Jessore District in British India (now Bangladesh) by Tushar Kanti Ghosh and his father Sisir Kumar Ghosh.